Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Jumlah Pemudik Lebaran 2013 Diperkirakan 17.393.016 Orang

Jumlah Pemudik Lebaran 2013 Diperkirakan 17.393.016 OrangTRIBUNNEWS.COM - Dengan perkiraan penumpang sebanyak itu, maka diprediksi terjadi peningkatan sebesar 4,5 persen

Berita Nasional - Yahoo! Indonesia News

2 komentar:

  1. you know why you're my favourite fshaion blogger?coz you offer inspiration here. An inspiration that leads me to a good envy, a good jealousy. I envy you having to achieve your dreams already yet you are not easily satisfied, consistent, and above all thankful for everything you have (i love your "talking to god" post!). You do not focus on glamorous fshaion thingies, instead you focus on HOW you interpret your passion of fshaion to a positive influence on others. i AM inspired. and i AM influenced positively! :)

  2. thanks, all! eid mubarak once again! :)anonymous: nope! :)dinta maarhani: alhamdulillah udah hihi...makasi yahh...:)wina: spot on! :Dfeetz: wow...that's very kind of you...really...:') thank you so much, dear :)
